Keeping You Informed & Proactive!

An Invitation to join E-POSHTA

Na sviti mozhna zhyt' bez etaloniv
Po riznomu dyvytysya na svit,
Vid toho svit ne zminyt'sya ni trokhy, -
Use zalezhyt' vid lyuds'kykh zinyts:
V shyrokykh vidbyvayet'sya epocha,
U zvuzhenykh zbihovyshche dribnyts'.

-- Lina Kostenko


My Goals...I Hope They're Yours Too!

I started Myroslava E-POSHTA to do my part toward revitalizing the Ukrainian community, which in great measure has lapsed into apathy - to its own considerable disadvantage. The idea is to reach out and get Ukrainians talking amongst each other, becoming informed and as a result realizing that government lobbying and informing the media on issues that have long term consequences for us, our children and future generations, is a responsibility that falls on each of us.

In the past, we have lamented the absence of an affordable medium which would enable us to quickly inform our scattered communities on emerging matters, to lobby our governments and, through the media - the world. With the accessibility of the Internet, it is now just a matter of choice whether to become involved, a matter of our will to ACT - as individuals and in concert. That is why E--POSHTA is not a chat forum and the postings are typically of an analytical nature, or community action and event-oriented.

I believe the goal of rebuilding the Ukrainian community and defending ourselves against injustices is worth the effort. We cannot be silent when the government uses the denaturalization and deportation process against our Ukrainian-Canadian and U.S. senior citizens; when the U.S. government continues its 20 year pursuit of John Demjanjuk by starting new court proceedings, and; when there are attacks on Dyvizia Halychyna, most recently in England. What unites us all worldwide, is Ukrayina - particularly its people's relentless struggle for an existence with a sense of justice and human dignity.

Now that we are comfortably ensconced in a democracy, thanks to our parents and grandparents, I think we owe it to them to stand up and be counted in defending them and their heritage (and ours) against untruths that leave them in shame and helpless anger. As well, we owe it to those who died in the Soviet gulags for standing up for human rights in circumstances that are beyond our ability to visualize. I think they deserve to be honoured for their courage and for dying for such lofty ideals. They are our heritage. We owe it to the over 3 million children (of the 7 million Ukrainian farmers) who, because they were Ukrainian landowners, died in the Famine-Genocide of 1932-33 created by Stalin.

I hope your priorities will include continuing to be informed and to joining us in some stimulating, productive, goal-oriented activity.


Myroslava Oleksiuk
Also member of Committee for Justice
Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Toronto

How E-POSHTA Works

To distribute E-POSHTA (currently to over 2,300 subscribers), I use the Yahoo!Groups mailing list service. You will see messages coming from:


E-POSHTA is formatted as a web page--just like this page. It is a format familiar to anyone using the Internet and allows me to incorporate colour and a bit of graphic design, making it easier to read and navigate.

You may request a plain text version of E-POSHTA. The plain version is a simple translation from the HTML version so some of the web and e-mail links are lost. Sometimes the translation results in less than optimum line breaks. We don't have the staff resources to format both versions and the future is clearly in the direction of a web-based format.

Your contributions are always welcome. Comments and opinions will be included in E-POSHTA if they clarify and/or substantially add to a posted item. E-POSHTA is not a discussion group--let's not chat, let's inform and move on so that we have time to act.

See the Administation section below to learn how to join E-POSHTA. You'll also find the e-mail addresses of our staff. When sending use stories, commentary or event information, please direct it to the staff member responsible for the type or nature of the information.

See you on E-POSHTA.

Myroslava Oleksiuk


ADMINISTRATION, subscribing, unsubscribing, etc.

I hope you fiund E-POSHTA informative and will share it with others. 
Your submission, questions and suggestions are always welcome. 


Use the following e-mail addresses to:

SEND e-mail to the list:

JOIN the list:
YahooGroups will send you an e-mail which you must reply to to confirm you want to join the list.

QUIT the list:
YahooGroups will send you an e-mail which you must reply to to confirm you want to quit the list. This is done to prevent someone faking your e-mail address and deleting you from the list without your knowledge.

Having difficulty joining (or quitting) the list? Or maybe you want us to add your friends to E-POSHTA. Contact: Yuriy Lesiuk ylesiuk@yahoo.com

Myroslava Oleksiuk

Political Affairs Editor:
Marta D. Olynyk marta.olynyk@sympatico.ca

Announcements, Social and Cultural Events:
Ihor Prociuk prociuki@yahoo.com

Technical Support & Layout:
Zenon Chytra zchytra@cogeco.ca
Yuriy Lesiuk ylesiuk@yahoo.com